Do Indians have extra immunity against cancer?

Published on by Tanmi Gold

Be-aware-of-cancer.jpgCancer is one of the most alarming diseases today, which is troubling human kind in its various forms.This article discusses whether Indians have any extra immunity against cancers.

Cancers relating to the lungs, breasts, colon, kidneys, prostate and thyroid have become quite common these days, among people of all age groups. Cancer, in general, is the malignant growth of abnormal cells or a tumour that endangers our life.

What happens?

This can happen when normal body cells turn malignant, or when some disease causing foreign bodies attack our body cells. It is the lack of our body immunity to fight against these abnormal cancer cells that actually promotes them. Our body immunity that plays a vital role in such cases, which primarily depends on our lifestyle, food habits and the environment we live in.

Indian Origin

India is a tropical country with variety of climatic conditions, and being a country that primarily depends on agriculture, they generate variety of fresh, natural foods that constitute a balanced diet. The moderate environmental conditions, nutritious fruits and vegetables, whole grains, medicinal value spices and vast natural resources help in promoting a healthy lifestyle and thereby extra body immunity among Indians.

Also, the fact that Indians are more sociable helps them stay happy, as a few of their cultures and traditions also have good impact on their overall health and wellness.

Below are few significant factors that support the fact that Indians have extra immunity against cancers.


  • Studies show that cow milk, which is traditional drink for all Indians, prevents different types of cancers, hypertension and improves body immunity. Also, breast feeding of mother's milk to their babies is a healthy Indian tradition that reduces risk of breast cancer along with carrying good antibodies to the baby.


  • It is also proved that Tea, a very common Indian drink, in its various herbal forms, lowers the risk of developing ovarian and breast cancers.


  • Indians use highly nutritious spices and condiments like garlic, turmeric and others in their daily foods, which inhibit enzymes protecting cells from damage and thereby fight cancer causing bodies.
  • The most effective anti-cancer foods like tomatoes, blueberries, spinach, cabbage, whole wheat, oranges, strawberries and beans are part of the regular Indian diet.
  • Lastly, the optimum weather conditions and availability of all necessary natural resources create a healthy lifestyle in India.

So, it's quite clear why Indians definitely have extra immunity against certain cancers.

Published on Illness & diseases

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Mesothelioma diagnosis can be done through chest x-ray. The typical abnormalities seen on chest x-ray in patients with malignant mesohtelioma are pleural effusion (a collection of fluid in the space between the 2 layers of the pleura), or it is called pleural thickening.